Magic. Sisterhood. Love. My most recent event happened Tuesday, September 21st. It was a night of inspiration, branding, and fashion. But most importantly it was a night of sisterhood, and living in your feminine energy!! I had two beautiful, feminine geniuses Jessica Zweig & Gina Marotta speak at this event, and everyone left with something more than what they came in with! It was surely an event to remember! Before this event I looked at my mood board and realized that everything on it, I had achieved, and it is with women like these in my life that helped me reach it. I feel so honored to have been a part of this inspirational event and to be a vessel to help other women find their inspiration!
The first speaker was Gina Marotta who I was initially introduced to through Jessica Zweig. She is an inspirational advisor, and her goal is to take you to your next level. She led the women through a guided breathing, and it was the perfect way to start the night. The women got in tune with their heart and set their intention for this inspirational event. Gina believes that all women have a feminine genius just waiting to be awakened. The intentions for the night were to cultivate self love, confidence, and a feminine spiritual power through being your true self, feeling beauty inside and out, and embracing your innate gifts. Everyone there felt the possibility of self elevation, a deeper understanding of themselves, and new/powerful connections.
We all were meant to do something. She is here to help you find what that is. I strongly encourage you to reach out to her if you are feeling like you are not reaching your potential, or you feel that something is missing. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and InsightTimer.
Jessica Zweig exudes a major girl boss attitude! I feel so grateful to her for being in my life! She was my first client who gave me all her trust, whether it was an outfit choice or my rate. If you don’t know, Jessica runs her own branding agency, called Simply Be. She wants women to live in their full truth and be unapologetically themselves. She is also the author of the top selling book, Be., which is all about increasing your net worth through being your authentic self.
During her speech Jessica challenged us to find our brand mantra. Are you a Queen, a Goddess, or an Awakener? She really drove home that everything you do has to have purpose, because if it has no purpose, what is the point?
To find Jessica head to her Instagram, LinkedIn, or Website.
Of course it wouldn’t be a Tali event without some fashion! I want to help you express your mantra, your confidence, through your personal style without saying a word. My main goal is to empower YOU! And to make you feel like the goddess that you are. Some people just need an outside perspective! So of course, I finished off the night with some capsule pieces to make your closet as interchangeable as possible! This includes a blazer, white tee, combat boots, and so much more! And you can always shop my picks here!
I can’t believe how much inspiration I left with from this truly inspirational event, there was so much love and support and empowerment!! It couldn’t of happened without Jessica and Gina with me. For all of you who missed it, make sure to reach out to the women above. And of course follow me on Instagram for all your fun, fashion looks and subscribe to the mailing list! More events coming up!
Don’t miss out on all the fun, register for my shopping events! To register, click here. To stay up to date on all upcoming events, and so you never miss a thing, sign up for my newsletter!
Please keep in mind that I am also offering 1:1 styling services. Click here for my full services. You can also always shop my top picks on the Tel Aviv Couture Boutique, check to see if any of your favorites are on sale now!
Have some spare time? Take my Style Persona Quiz to find your style personality and receive some outfit inspiration!